Ματιά αλλοιώτικα δοσμένη.
Is this the place where my soul feels safe
wrapped in paper page hidden in the second space
floors of woods and windows and silent grace
wrapped in paper page hidden in the second space
floors of woods and windows and silent grace
Come and walk with me in my melting sleep
I need to feel the wooden floor touching my naked feet
whisper songs with fairies stories from underneath
I need to feel the wooden floor touching my naked feet
whisper songs with fairies stories from underneath
Count from one to ten keep your eyes closed until the end
then scream your nightmares loud out in the air
then scream your nightmares loud out in the air
Come and dance with me in open streets with broken violins
keep the pavement down under your feet down
light the night with color scream noise noise
night is breaking drums are shaking
Stories from the floors ship travels without clocks
band plays on the road my skin is changing shape
and I roll into the place where my soul feels safe
and everything is melting into the sound of everything.
keep the pavement down under your feet down
light the night with color scream noise noise
night is breaking drums are shaking
Stories from the floors ship travels without clocks
band plays on the road my skin is changing shape
and I roll into the place where my soul feels safe
and everything is melting into the sound of everything.
Music by Nefeli + Mολυβια-κομάντος // PHOTO BY ROGIER HOUWEN
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